
Factories generate Accessories which are useful in Battle. To construct a Factory, Land Territory is necessary. Factories themselves can be expanded to allow multiple Accessories to be generated at the same time. ※To expand a Factory, the Land Territory Volume is necessary. ※To start, a max of 2 Accessories can be generated at the same time.

How to Use

① Select which Accessory to Generate ② Select the base and specific materials required for generation. ③ Start Generation ④ Leave and wait for completion ⑤ Confirm generated Accessory and claim.

Regarding Generated Accessories

A minimum of 30 base materials each are required for the creation of an Accessory.

Accessory Rarity, Illustration, and Nickname are randomly generated.

You're able to use and hold max of 300 base materials each for the creation of Accessories. The greater the total number of base materials used on the generated accessory, the more rare it will be.

You can also use special materials at the time of generation. Special materials increase the generation rate on certain accessories. Special materials can allow you to inherit the type and illustration of a certain accessory. *Effect will different upon creation.

Expansion of Factories

With Volume of the same Land Territory, a factory can be expanded. Also, using ELSP or Silver Card can decrease the amount of Volume required for expansion.

Please Note: The Land used for expansion of Training Ground becomes locked and cannot be transferred.



Required Volume

Expanded Generation

Unlock 3 Accessory Generation Slots


Expanded Generation

Unlock 4 Accessory Generation Slots


Expanded Generation

Unlock 5 Accessory Generation Slots


Expanded Generation

Unlock 6 Accessory Generation Slots


Reduced Time

Decrease Generation time by 1 hour


Reduced Time

Decrease Generation time by 2 hours


Reduced Time

Decrease Generation time by 4 hours


Reduced Time

Decrease Generation time by 6 hours


Higher Rarity Chance

Decreased chance of C-rarity Accessories


Higher Rarity Chance

Further decreased change of C-rarity Accessories


Higher Rarity Chance

Stops Generation of C-rarity Accessories


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