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There are various types of tickets, each of which can be used for the corresponding content.
Originally, 2000 EXP is required to refresh a unit's status, but by consuming one ticket, a unit's status can be refreshed without consuming EXP. There are two types of Refresh Status tickets: regular Refresh Status tickets and special Refresh Status tickets.
This ticket allows you to participate in the mission of your choice by consuming one ticket while the number of frontier missions or land frontier missions that can be attempted is 0.
By consuming one piece, you can enter any Land without consuming Zell.
*To be implemented soon. Memoria generation can be performed by consuming the specified number of pieces. You can get it by exchanging it with ELS or ELS points.
*To be implemented soon. Delta Summoning can be performed by consuming a specified number of tickets. It can be obtained by exchanging BPC or BPC points.
Users can use it to pay for a variety of in-game content. Eligible items include the following contents
・Land edit scrap (base camp/training grounds/factory) ・Unit art changes ・Sphere story changes ・Limit break resets ・Land entry fee
One Silver Card can be exchanged at the BFH Point Exchange by spending 10 BFH Points. It can also be obtained through rewards such as beginner missions.